

维多利亚 is an aspiring musician 和 教育学院 student who is turning her dreams into a reality.

When it comes to following our dreams, the fear of failure often stops us from trying. Our dreams sometimes seem unattainable or unrealistic, especially when it comes to building a solid career. 然而, 维多利亚 is casting her doubts aside 和 finding a way to turn her passions into a future career. “My life in music is where I’d love to stay. Music means a lot to me, but the more time I spend out in the community sharing my music, I see a need for education as well.”

At a young age, 维多利亚 felt called to pick up an instrument. “I’ve always felt so connected to my guitar. I remember telling my parents, ‘I believe that I’m destined to play the guitar,’他们说, ‘You’ve never seen a guitar before!’ Even though I’d never seen it, just the sound of it… I have always liked the look of how intimate it was when somebody got to hold something like that.” Following her calling, 维多利亚 started playing the guitar 和 writing songs at fifteen.

I chose education because I truly believe anytime you want to impact a community – or definitely a generation – it starts with education.

The power of words inspired 维多利亚 to pursue a career in music. “Even though I sing 和 song-write, 我喜欢抒情, 和 I love words because they really touch people.在中学的时候, 维多利亚’s teachers recognized her writing talents 和 began encouraging her to write. “At the time, I thought I just wanted to be a poet,” 维多利亚 said. “Fifteen is when I actually wrote my first song. It was one of those pinch-myself moments, like ‘Is this real? 我真的能做到吗?’ And from there, it’s been a discipline of stewarding my gift.”

维多利亚 also plays the piano, a place where she now finds herself writing most of her songs. “I have more music originating from piano because I’m starting to write there 和 it’s so open,她说。. She draws inspiration for her music from her faith, her life, 和 people she meets. “A lot of my music is life music, so I’m writing about where I am. Also, whenever you’re doing music, you get entrusted with a lot of people, too,” she shared. “Those people are sharing their stories, so that rubs off on you as well.”


维多利亚 has now been invested in music for over eight years, 和 hopes to continue 和 grow in it. “I’ve learned – just like with education or anything you pursue – it’s an endurance training,她说。. “It’s a continual grind, it’s a continual discipline. I don’t think there’s such a thing as ‘making it,’ but you definitely have to practice contentment wherever you are,维多利亚建议道.

While music is her main focus, 维多利亚 is currently working on obtaining her bachelor’s degree in education in education at Athens State University. I chose education because I truly believe anytime you want to impact a community – or definitely a generation – it starts with education. So far within my career in music, I love seeing how people have connected to it, 和 just that connection – it shows me how important community is. I hope that I can serve in a civic capacity where I can use music but also influence people.”

维多利亚 has already been able to achieve an impressive list of accomplishments so early in her music career. She recorded her first EP at 318年作品 in Huntsville where it was produced by Canita Rogers 和 mastered by Grammy-nominated Kelvin Wooten. She has also traveled with her music 和 has performed for non-profit organizations such as The Microwave Dave Music Foundation The Little Orange Fish, which promotes mental health awareness.

维多利亚 is a truly remarkable, genuine young woman who proves that dreams can come true as long as you keep working toward them. With her fearless drive, 维多利亚 is sure to continue to reach new 和 exciting heights in every facet of her life 和 career. “My journey has been really organic,她说。. “It’s the most gratifying job. It’s something that I love doing.”


“就像维多利亚, finding the right flexible degree completion program can help turn your passions into a rewarding career. Explore what you can achieve with an 教育程度 at Athens State University.





考特尼B., Psychology 和 Political Science '20